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Posts The Top 10 Greenest Cities in the UK Thomson Appointed to Environment Agency’s Ecological Services Framework (EcoSF4) We have been awarded the Smart Motorways Programme (SMP) Alliance Outcome Award for Enhanced Environments! Intertidal Phase 1 Walk-over Survey How to recognise a badger habitat Five considerations for a successful Flood Risk Activity Permit (FRAP) application Maximising onsite biodiversity and addressing the ecology skills gaps We will be exhibiting at the RIN Conference! Welcome to Gregor Neeve, our newly appointed Associate Director for Nature Markets We will be exhibiting at the Highways UK Conference! Enabling business and nature to thrive together – thoughts from our CEO, Lucy Hunt All about being a Site Supervisor at Thomson EC with Jay Dowling! Bat surveys: The law, benefits and techniques The state of UK garden wildlife 2024 Identifying and managing Japanese Knotweed Biodiversity net gain requirement for small development sites Thomson inspire the next generation through school visits Thomson managers graduate from The Management Academy 2024 Thomson ‘LEAPS FOR FROGS’ raising £291 for herpetology conservation Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is now mandatory! Thomson’s Habitats team grows with the appointment of two new Site Operatives #TeamThomson bakes for Dementia raising £417 for charity Thomson’s arboriculture team welcomes three new members Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) listed as one of 40 reasons to be optimistic in 2024 High Flood Risk Areas and Flood Mitigation in England Thomson unveils latest expansion AI maps a way back for endangered reptiles Thomson’s long service awards – Celebrating years of dedication and excellence Thomson is excited to have appointed a new COO, Lucy Hunt Thomson show their appreciation for client feedback through charitable donations Thomson launch innovative new service for the EU Taxonomy regulations Five things property developers need to know in preparation for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) A coffee with: Emily Trill, Senior Hydrological Consultant Thomson thanks clients for providing feedback by donating to their chosen charities Through the Lens: Phyllodocidae Volcano worm has got “U” Investigating mussels (Mytilus edulis) as a bioindicator for microplastic pollution across Plymouth Sound A review of Thomson’s 2022 survey season New offices – Leeds and Kenilworth CIEEM Publication – Marine Macroinvertebrate Assessment: Challenges and Outlook Career Profile – Senior Project Manager – Wulfric Reflecting on UKREiiF 2023 CIEEM Registered Practice – Our commitment to professional standards UKREiiF 2023 – See you at Stand E56 Thomson – Inspiring the next generation LISTEN UP to HS2’s “How to Build a Railway” podcast featuring Simon, Thomson’s Director Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) – Government update Electrofishing at Gatwick The UK Government’s plan to achieve ‘thriving plants and wildlife’ Deep Blue – Marine Ecology Newsletter, January 2023 Does a long neck help with living in the mud ? Parasitism – living at the expense of others Through the lens: Barnacles Coastal squeeze and habitat creation, driving biodiversity up the wall Sustainability School awards Thomson silver Thomson strengthens team with Thermal Imaging Expert Balancing a housing crisis with a nutrient crisis Deep Blue – Marine Ecology Newsletter, Summer 2022 How to tell plastic by its pattern Symbiosis – Working as a team in the natural world Invaders in a Changing Climate Through the lens: Corbicula fluminea Changes at Thomson Thomson’s top 10 tips – Clean Air Day 2022 Thomson Habitats fight back against invasive species UKREiiF – We’ll see you there Developers, watch out for these invasive species Meet Dr Bruce Mostert, Senior Biologist Deep Blue – Marine Ecology Newsletter, Spring 2022 The Benefits of Biodiversity Natural capital – valuing benthic ecosystems to aid the marine environment In the wake of marine expeditions Through the lens Caprella mutica. A very successful hitchhiker. Great crested newt licensing explained “When can I do my ecology survey?” You can’t manage what you don’t measure Waste not want not… Global Recycling Day Act for rivers to safeguard biodiversity #BreakTheBias this International Women’s Day Is your project ready for Spring? Top 3 challenges when dealing with EIA development planning applications EIA Planning Support for Local Authorities Deep Blue – Marine Ecology Newsletter, Winter 2022 New ports: from confrontation to collaboration? Astonishing diversity of marine invertebrates in Stanley Harbour, Falkland Islands Mining the deep – at what cost? The tentacled lagoon worm – a small worm with big implications The United Nations’ Ocean Decade Deep Blue – Marine Ecology Newsletter, Autumn 2021 Offshore wind decommissioning Scientific illustration: when art meets science How to age a fish Through the lens: Bryozoa How to classify the marine environment Thomson joins the Land Promoters & Developers Federation Nancy Thomson – Conservation Careers Podcast Thomson’s ecology work at Dukes Meadows, Chiswick Ash dieback: the signs and symptoms Wetland hydrological monitoring explained Through the lens: spring cleaning and the feather duster worm, Sabella pavonina Why do we need taxonomic revisions? Mud, mud, glorious mud – Particle size analysis explained Beneficial use of dredge material, making the most out of unwanted mud Deep Blue – Marine Ecology Newsletter, Spring 2021 Surviving in extreme marine environments International bat appreciation day 2021 – The importance of bats to ecosystems Covid and the Carbon Conundrum It’s official – Thomson’s GIS Team reveal why the world really is Flat! Thomson receive ‘Civic Trust Award 2021’ for ‘Illuminated River’ ecology work The Future is Bright – the Future is Digital EIA Evolution in EIA – Using Technology to Streamline the Process Small lice, big problem – how do fish farms handle sea lice? Drones flying high in coastal habitat mapping Through the lens: Arenicola marina, the brilliant beach bioturbators Blue carbon – coastal wetlands as tools against climate change GIS: A game changer in the environmental consultancy sector Through the lens: Corophium & the teeming Thames New species – Are they rare and do they need special protection? What being ‘protected’ protects against Making the world of taxonomy less taxing A Day in the Life of a Marine Biologist Can innovation and new technology tackle environmental issues in the marine environment? Through the lens: Sabellaria Offshore wind energy Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – Accounting for People Our marine team: capability, expertise and how we can help Through the lens: What is “benthic analysis” and what is it good for? Journey of a sample through the marine lab Making heads and tails of a new species discovery The importance of Environmental Impact Assessments in the UK marine environment We are now employee owned! Staying at the forefront of marine taxonomy: An innovative software solution Thomson environmental consultants strengthens offering with appointment of new Director of EIA, Peter George Covid-19 business response Climbing the consultancy career ladder Bioindicators and what they can do for your planning Overwintering animals – out of sight, not out of mind The biodiversity benefits of beavers Outdoor to online: gaining vocational skills in ecology Day in the life of… Irfaan Junaideen, Senior Ecological Consultant The professional benefits of volunteering Mentoring to develop our leaders of the future Four tips for safeguarding mental health and well-being in the workplace A few more ways Thomson achieves workplace sustainability eDNA: innovating for efficiency in species monitoring Measuring the flow of water-bodies A day in the life of… Byron Humphries, Assistant Ecologist Trees and ecology – a healthy union A new worm species: the story behind the discovery Conssssidering snakes in your development planning All eyes on a new worm species The lynx effect: could we live with or without? Working with wildlife volunteer groups for mutual benefit The importance of otter awareness What penalties will you face if you endanger the UK Wildlife? Top five invasive plants encountered by developers Natural England’s new wildlife licence charging scheme Breeding birds: a ‘stop, look, listen’ approach for developers Investing in mental health awareness training Finalists for Construction News awards 2019 Reaching new heights for bat surveys A short guide to preliminary ecological appraisals New Director, Aquatic Ecology, joins Thomson Environmental Consultants Teaching the merits of recycling, while recycling 12 facts about crayfish How women at Thomson bring balance to their industry Stream to surf: Thomson’s water team capability for successful project delivery Thomson wins contract with DP World London Gateway to advise on future habitat management Water vole facts to keep your projects on track Looking out for amphibians and reptiles this spring Fish surveys and development in the UK A day in the life of…Ben Griffin, Assistant Ecologist A day in the life of…Oliver Silver, Senior Ecological Consultant Three bird groups to survey for in winter Educating future ecologists and future clients alike Five hazel dormouse facts to aid your project plans We’ve been shortlisted for a Construction News award! Ecological compliance ticked off for Father Christmas by helpers at LaplandUK Achieving sustainability; the Thomson way Thomson Environmental Consultants win contract to map habitats on the south west coastline Proactive tree health and hazard management How Thomson deliver excellence through training Fungus: the root to tree health and our safety Have you checked your bonfire for hidden animals? Are bats haunting your project plans? Stunning image of red deer wins our annual photography competition Thomson Ecology rebrands as revenue doubles A day in the life of….Heather Clayson, Assistant Ecologist How trees should and shouldn’t be treated during development A day in the life of….Wulfric Blackwell, Project Manager Tackling Japanese knotweed with kid gloves Our annual photo competition Why tree surveys along our highways are important A day in the life of….Dr Shaun Plenty, Senior Aquatic Consultant Thomson providing Network Rail with ecological training Fish stock assessment of industrial site’s pond The impact of microplastics is yet to be fully explored, says Dr Ruth Barnich New leadership development programme to identify the brightest and the best The Illuminated River project – an update on the ecology work Dr Ruth Barnich to speak at World Conference on Marine Biodiversity The London Bird Atlas voted Book of the Month Thomson Habitats awarded environmental mitigation package for part of the High Speed 2 (HS2) project New UK initiatives to help Commonwealth countries tackle world’s greatest environmental challenges Brexit shifts needs for ports Theresa May urges Commonwealth members to follow the UK’s lead in tackling plastic waste Shropshire farmer fined £16,000 for environmental offences Machinery and ecology Newt and reptile fencing just got more efficient Invasive species week – how we treat invasive species Invasive species and exotic pets Hitchhikers, Invasive species and why you should “Check, Clean, Dry” Invasive Species Week 2018 – From ornamental plants to invasive species Invasive Species Week 2018 Global Recycling Day – plastic pollution threatens our environment Early Nesting Birds – things to remember How I made it as a woman in the science sector Thomson Ecology grows its water and marine divisions with new appointments Thomson Ecology working with Whitehill Town Council Creating the Northern Forest Dr Ruth Barnich to present at the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity The British Water Winter Reception, House of Lords Brownfield sites could provide more homes Michael Gove indicates a future increase in tree planting rates Intelligent data collection Thomson Water team – established and thriving UK and Welsh governments sign a new water powers agreement The future is looking brighter for bees New edition of the London Bird Atlas is now available ROLO training course – last minute spaces available Autumn Budget – environmental announcements Metropolitan trees grow faster than rural trees Why we shouldn’t breathe easy Commercial ownership data made free Water abstraction licensing changes from 1st January 2018 Thomson Habitats welcomes a new General Manager Sir David Attenborough hopes the BBC’s Blue Planet will raise awareness of the ocean’s plastic problem Professor Paul Leinster CBE joins Thomson Ecology Advisory Board Ecology shouldn’t be an afterthought! Striking image of otter wins the 2017 Thomson Ecology Photography Competition New species paper published Careful reptile and great crested newt works Mentoring for the RHS Green Plan It Challenge New study shows “ecological armageddon” in insect numbers Microplastics, the environment and human laziness A bird’s eye view of archaeology Compensating for habitat loss The Future is behind us The Value of the Landscape – Money doesn’t grow on trees but they can help you make it. Minimising the damage caused by alien marine species Microbeads found on animals from estuarine samples Imperial College publish new eDNA research The greatest comeback? Trump Forest – where ignorance grows trees What is the value of nature in our cities? Arise, Natrix helvetica Technology is the answer but what is the question? Did you know corals are not just confined to shallow tropical seas? Rarely encountered animals found in deep waters Going…going…gone? High demand for ecological contracting Do trees and hedges really clean our air? More rewilding to support biodiversity JNCC Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope MPA survey 2016, an update Thomson Ecology have helped Network Rail with GCN information film When do you employ a landscape architect? School visit to inspire next generation of fledgling ecologists The 2017 Thomson Ecology Photography Competition is now open! Confident decisions follow accurate sampling and outcome-driven monitoring plans New Quick Fencer attachment makes fencing easy! Ragweed on the rise New species paper to be published online The power of nature… The Unicomarine team enthuses pupils at school’s “Science Week” Creation of new habitat for Exeter badgers Combining surveys saves time and money for your project Thomson Ecology are now members of British Water Thomson Ecology and Thomson Habitats collaborate on large-scale residential development Reptile Personalities The private life of great crested newt UAV technology maps habitats from above New technology and the increase in noise pollution Exciting detailed analysis of benthos from deep seas off the Hebrides Integrated Water Cycle Management and sewerage planning Thomson Ecology Handbook now available as an e-book Local dormouse monitoring continues Ecology advice for Garden Village development Meet planning conditions, help wildlife and save money Two weeks in the life of a new starter! The Nathusius’ pipistrelle Make sure you’re on time with your abstraction return – and not just your tax return! Small changes can make a big difference Keeping a close eye on groundwater Great crested newts are not always where you expect to find them Water – don’t take it for granted Thomson Habitats continue their work at Shoreham Adur tidal walls scheme Thomson are providing ecology surveys for DONG Energy on Hornsea offshore wind farm Environment Agency updates groundwater protection policy Volunteer required? Water companies face complex challenges Innovation at Thomson saves developers time and money Otter habitat mapping using our UAVs Can decommissioning benefit the marine environment? Welsh Government publishes White Paper on Brexit Otters, the basics Thomson Ecology to exhibit at Marine Energy Wales’ inaugural conference Homeowners sue for drop in property value from Japanese knotweed Can development ever be good for nature? Turning the white paper green The Large Blue Butterfly makes a comeback Trump, Brexit and the environment An unlikely ally Badgers and protection Thomson Ecology welcomes Dr Phil Aldous, new Director of Water Thomson Ecology makes two new appointments to the leadership team Help for hedgehogs January bird survey on marshland site Sheerwater Regeneration Project Snap happy! Thomson providing arboricultural solutions for Root Protection Areas Discovering dormice Working with Imperial College London to expand the use of eDNA Thomson Ecology teams up with Clancy Docwra France makes biological records from EcIAs open data New policies introduced for smoother licensing process and better nature conservation Habitat creation at busy factory site The Illuminated River Citizen science – power to the people! Central London arboriculture works Thomson Habitats undertakes further work on M1 smart motorway scheme Beavers are back Thomson Ecology win tender to survey for tree hazards on 21 sites Thomson running ROLO training courses Our work continues for house developer, Redrow Homes. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness – and tree surveys! Fish rescue to keep fish safe during flood alleviation work Watching briefs should not be left until the last minute! Thomson Habitats awarded Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls scheme works package Beach clean for the Thomson Team Bats in the attic – bat loft construction for Barratt David Wilson Homes A bridge too far? Out of season, but not out of song Thomson Unicomarine principal collaborates with international marine specialists Winter planting tips and recommendations It’s “Wild About Gardens” week! Winter singing of blackcaps Fire in the ice Thomson Ecology exhibiting at Major Infrastructure and Renewable Energy Planning in Wales NCE Flood Management Forum Badgers – the basics! Social media is key for planning consultations The winner of the 2016 Thomson Ecology Photography Competition is announced! Barn owl recommendations Beachwatch – cleaning our beaches Winter work – get ahead of the game Non-native Asian hornet arrives in the UK Thomson Ecology is talking about UAVs at CIEEM Autumn Conference The 2016 State of Nature report published 5 stars awarded for Achilles RISQS Dr Arnaud Duranel’s poster presentation at “Groundwater; Managing our hidden asset” conference Groundwater; Managing our Hidden Asset Good news for the speckled wood butterfly On the lookout for Sabellaria spinulosa Bat surveys and bridge lift-out Celebrating International Bat Night Avoid, minimise and …? Bat detectors – one of our favourite bits of kit! Thomson’s principal taxonomist gives talk to staff about new species discovery Badger sett closure on Network Rail infrastructure Himalayan balsam remediation on Exeter Flood Defence Scheme World Lizard Day – 14th August! Drop in plastic bag useage a great step in cleaning up our environment! European Commission introduces list of invasive species to be banned from entering UK Let’s celebrate our National Parks! Thomson Habitats now a member of BALI Does nature have a price? Thomson Unicomarine’s Principal Taxonomist presents new species next week Biodiversity now below safe levels, new study shows Warm winters good news for many British bird species Are plastic microfibres worse than microbeads? Ecology of the Mandrare Valley in Southern Madagascar Speedy slugs Thomson Ecology registered with Natural England to use new GCN Low Impact Class Licence Barn owls benefit from conservation efforts The 2016 Thomson Ecology Photography Competition is now open Spionid specialist visiting from Russia in August Finding, but not keeping, Dory Thomson Unicomarine’s Principal Taxonomist to introduce new species at International Conference Thomson’s top tips for a successful WFD assessment Marine planning and regulation outside the EU – what will change? Temperatures are rising – how to keep your water assets healthy Microplastics – too little too late? Winter work – Don’t be caught skating on thin ice! The brilliance of bumblebees Hampstead Heath Ponds Project – fishing for the unexpected New method to remove dioxins from water and contaminated sediment Brexit and wildlife legislation Girl grabbed on the way to the ball Pragmatic approach for site clearance Birds of Conservation Concern Dr Arnaud Duranel to speak at Hydrogeology of Peat meeting Problematic microplastics Team immersed in marine surveys The water vole: The Story of One of Britain’s Most Endangered Mammals Peregrine falcons observed on viaduct survey Government uses Housing and Planning Act 2016 to issue a holding notice on the Birmingham Development Plan Newt surveys – necessary…. and exciting! Great crested newt mitigation and habitat creation for Redrow Homes H&S training essential – pipe manufacturing company fined £200,000 Is decommissioning offshore oil and gas platforms the best approach? TIM now being used on all projects IEMA: Brexit would reduce environmental influence on infrastructure decisions Habitat creation for pollinators shown to benefit food production Spot the flycatcher New 5-point plan to save our salmon Nocturnal nourishment – gardening for bats Introducing our new skidsteer hire service Thomson Ecology to undertake ancient woodland baseline surveying for Natural Resources Wales Tree assessment is looking up Alien, invasive and BIG eDNA analysis for great crested newts The true cost of late payment Would you eat invasive species? Bluebells – a fascinating past, but an uncertain future? The brownfield/greenfield debate at The National Planning Summit 2016 Welsh forestry breeding bird surveys underway Glyphosate – seeking an alternative solution Tree-hugging eco-warrior or pragmatic consultant? American lobster – the invasive problem Thomson to sponsor RRC 2016 Annual Network Conference Japanese knotweeed dealt with at Surrey sewage treatment plant Amber the lizard released back into the wild! Air spade investigations Thomson to speak at Kier ecology day Gardening for biodiversity Spring-time nest identification Newt season kicks off National Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016 to 2021 published Asian bats have shown resistance to the deadly white-nose syndrome Views on Natural England’s European protected species policy consultation Senior delegation of the Irish Planning Board (An Bord Pleanála) visit UK ports. Fast response on housing project By 7th April, have your say. Ashtag app to track ash deaths Thomson’s bat specialists join Network Rail’s orange army! European ports harbour business opportunities Drones on and on and….. Why is British and Australian wildlife so different? Funding for flood defences now available Outstanding score in Achilles UVDB Verify! Bat surveys and development Ready, steady, nest! Thomson Habitats assist Cala Homes on housing development The survey season is now in full swing Eight new graduates join the team Thomson Habitats at work on iconic Millennium Mills project Amber the captive lizard Thomson at Flood and Coast 2016 this week Early spring birding Choosing the right contractor – why it’s vital to the success of your project Thomson Ecology give training to Imperial College students Constructionline registration complete! Putting our compact track loader to work on reptile mitigation projects The top 5 destructive alien species in UK waters Dormice discovered in Dummer New Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) Fisheries Peer Review Group announced A refresher on impacts of development on freshwater and migratory fish Discard ban extended British seagrass under threat Thomson Unicomarine welcomes its first international sign-up to the Fish NMBAQC scheme Thomson Unicomarine sponsoring Coastal Futures 2016 Top 5 marine invaders Designing in biodiversity can save time and money Thomson Habitats welcomes a new member to the team! Thomson Unicomarine looks forward to another good year in 2016 Now is the time to clear vegetation! New guidelines published by CIEEM are now available Staff volunteer for local organisations Children explore pond life at biodiversity educational session Grim up North? We think not! Deer fencing on solar farm Thomson Unicomarine controlling invasion by sea Challenging conditions no object for badger sett closure Controlling alien encroachment Thomson Ecology Cardiff goes from strength to strength! 23,000m of bank surveyed on Great Western Route Modernisation project. Weathering the storm to keep our beaches clean Ecology surveys for leisure development Fisheries team celebrate a first-rate year Whittlesey Washes flood defence works Thomson Ecology and Habitats collaborate on M1 Smart Motorway scheme Planting to help flood defences in Somerset Thomson invests in new plant! Temporary Exclusion Channel for newt translocation “Ocean’s Fifteen” winner announced! Flood defence to reduce risk to 3000 homes Thomson wins at the Environment Analyst Awards! The Thomson Ecology 2016 Graduate Programme opens today Thomson Habitats awarded top marks from RISQS Thomson Ecology supports WWT Thomson Habitats supports WWT Is Leucothoe eltoni the new Pinball Wizard? "Hot tips for marine consents" breakfast workshop Dredging breach drags up urgent Marine Conservation Order Swimming in a sea of uncertainty Thomson Unicomarine’s assessment mentioned by Minister What happened to bluefin tuna off Cornwall? Thomson Unicomarine audits 30 labs and fish teams for NMBAQC fish component scheme Thomson’s team grab samples for Harwich Haven Authority Natural England announce new project to help GCNs and the development process Thomson Ecology and Thomson Habitats join forces on new school project Thomson Habitats works on ground investigations for new sports hub Thomson Habitats wins contract on £30m flood defence scheme. Thomson’s bat surveys go through the roof Thomson awarded two year framework with VolkerWessels group Thomson Ecology Photography Competition 2015 Thomson Ecology wins Construction News award! Exotic benthic invertebrate commission for Thomson Unicomarine OSPAR gives hope to allis shad and lamprey Thomson Ecology uses innovative techniques on East West Rail project Ecology market just keeps on growing Numbers of Environmental Statements shoot up China set to invest over £100 billion in UK infrastructure by 2025, says Pinsent Masons Heather beetle monitoring Study looks at human impact on declining bird populations on the Wirral EU running risk of another year of biodiversity and ecosystem failure A reptile translocation project requiring site specific solutions Thomson Habitats wins £300K contract to undertake Japanese knotweed remediation works Another Temporary Exclusion Channel (TEC) for SANG site Construction News Awards 2015 presentation done! Thomson Ecology analyse data to help research into scallop fishing intensity New homes for birds, bats and hedgehogs Great crested newt trapping, Reigate Principal ecologist, Phil Lomax, discusses green infrastructure The journey of London clay from Crossrail to Wallasea Interactive mapping transforms ecology management Regulatory assessments for licensing marine works: less is more On-shore cable route works Fish rescue enquiries increase from the construction industry Smart phones and YouTube may verify benefits in Wadi Hanifah restoration Marine consultancy demand growing Post-development monitoring Main parties pledge creation of largest marine protection zones in the world If you are a project manager in infrastructure, renewables, energy or construction then this is the event for you! Construction growth slows amid general election jitters Nice gripples! Second phase of newt fencing works Thomson Unicomarine assists with important fish identifications Thomson Habitats in partnership with Thomson Ecology’s geospatial services team Thomson Ecology shortlisted for the Construction News Awards 2015 East West Rail vegetation clearance Ten new Graduates start at Thomson Ecology this week Flood defence works, Congresbury Yeo Wind farm great crested newt trapping East West Rail reports on progress of works Thomson Ecology works on Humber Gateway projects Ash die back continues to spread A submerged ancient forest has been found by divers off the coast of Norfolk. Update in policy to help increase eel stocks Water vole release success story Silvertown Tunnel Scheme Landscaping Surrey railway stations Natural England commission Thomson Ecology to undertake bird decline investigations Introducing the Temporary Exclusion Channel (TEC) BIM and the breakfast workshop Badger and otter fencing How to assess biodiversity in planning applications Saudi government commissions Thomson Ecology Nancy Thomson on the Young Enterprise panel of “Dragons” BIM and the ‘ologies” breakfast workshop update Thomson Ecology receives Green Apple Award Solar farm soft landscaping BIM and the breakfast workshop BIM and the ‘ologies Thomson Habitats are RISQS qualified Thomson Ecology’s Head of Geospatial delivered a presentation at ICE BIM 2014 Thomson Ecology to speak at ICE BIM 2014 Thomson Ecology at the top! The winner of the 2014 Thomson Ecology Photography Competition has been announced! Thomson Ecology 2014 Photo Competition Winner Announced! Three Peaks marks our ten year anniversary Brave new world of eDNA eDNA detects biomass of protected species Sunday Times features Nancy Thomson Land Rover Monthly features Thomson Ecology Habitat creation team busier than ever 4.5bn marine renewables opportunities in SW of England Sign up for BIM and the 'ologies workshop UK public get environmental science wrong World's largest tidal energy scheme in Pentland Firth, gets funding Exeter flood defence scheme Thomson Ecology tasked to survey visitors Take your next career step with us Reptile mitigation, MOD Aldershot Railway works, Tottenham Natural flood defences can help protect our coast and rivers Potential new housing development requires tree surveys See us at NCE UK Roads 2014, 8-9 July Thomson Ecology Photography Competition 2014 Come and meet us at the NCE UK Rail Conference & Exhibition Our award-winning geospatial team demo TIM for real-time interactive mapping in a new short film. Ecologists educate pupils on protected species of local site. Our arboriculture team leader talks to Essential Arb magazine. Thomson Ecology to use cutting edge eDNA survey techniques to detect presence of Great Crested Newts. Staff raise over £1500 for the Guildford YMCA Thomson Ecology and Wessex Archaeology work together How GIS Technology Is Revolutionising Ecology Management On Britian’s Railways Thomson Ecology continues NMBAQC:fish component Thomson Ecology exhibits at Global Offshore Wind 2014 on Stand 74 Leanne completes the London Marathon! Our ultimate guide to bats Winged Wonders – The Ultimate Guide To Bats Thomson Ecology Graduate Programme creates 10 new positions Urban tree growth research Unicomarine wins prestigious Government contracts Thomson Unicomarine wins prestigious Government contracts Impact of climate change debated at All Party Parliamentary Group on Biodiversity Preserving biodiversity on Britain’s railways – an ecologist’s view Coastal Futures 2014 conference Innovative use of geospatial technology wins industry award for Thomson Ecology Eyebrow-raising jumpers and onesies raise cash for YMCA View some of our fantastic images on Flickr Thomson Ecology’s technical director collates data for the UK bird Atlas Thomson Ecology chairman takes part in Young Enterprise event 2013 Photo Competition winners announced! Marine Scientist publishes feature on Ruth Barnich and top scientists at Thomson Unicomarine Osprey image wins top spot in wildlife photography competition Thomson Ecology to provide strategic advice for East West Rail Fifteen new jobs created in 2013 at Thomson Ecology Thomson Ecology on Stand 4 at RenewableUK's annual conference High Court judgement handed down today – 24 September 2013 Ecological mitigation, near Hull Thomson Ecology brings in two new marine experts as it continues to grow Return to site The 2013 Photography Competition is open! Innovative new partnership aims to help developers through planning Dormouse bridge for housing development Reptile mitigation works in Swansea Thomson Ecology grows marine expertise and looks to global markets Thomson Ecology at Offshore Wind 2013 Horse stock fencing, Hampshire Amphibian and reptile fence works Thomson Ecology opens new biodiversity hub for Midlands and East of England Hedge Laying for Dormice Cameras for dormice March means reptile fencing can now start! North of England works Reptile fence on Surrey site Dormouse habitat compensation works Cable route GCN survey and mitigation works Read some of our latest published articles Barn owl box installation Now is the optimum time to undertake your vegetation clearance projects! Dormouse Mitigation on MOD site Badger Sett Closure, Greater Manchester MG5 grassland enhancement 2012 Photo Competition Winners Announced! MG5 grassland translocation, Birmingham A break in the rain allows for Japanese knotweed spray Maintenance at Hackney Marshes Fish rescue Reptile bund and hibernacula construction Amphibian mitigation, Berkshire Great crested newt mitigation, Somerset Flood defence works in the South West Tree works at water treatment plant Landscaping in Luton Destructive search, Gloucestershire Badger sett closures Habitat creation and wildlife fencing in preparation for new homes Nature reserve volunteer day We now hold CHAS and SMAS accreditations Britain’s river clean up proves successful Summer season works continue Water vole fencing We now hold the Committment to CSCS Platinum Award Reptile and amphibian fencing projects Wind pump installation Bamboo removal Successful re-visit to water vole habitat Dormice works Newt mitigation season starts Local authority habitat creation Thomson Habitats achieves ISO certification Fish-Pass (France), experts in fish behaviour Water vole, reptile and amphibian habitat creation works Badger sett closure and sett creation Thomson Ecology acquires Unicomarine Enhancement of nature reserve nears the final phase Hedgerow restoration and habitat creation Eel crawling gutter Enhancement of nature reserve Seasonal news
Projects Habitat Mapping at Martha’s Vineyard Building new homes for bats, Somerset Terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate surveys, London Gateway Logistics Park Hillingdon Primary School flood investigation Thomson and Rockwool Group – working together on EU Taxonomy Ecology support services, Stockley Junction Invasive species mapping, South West England Coastal habitat mapping, South West Badger sett exclusions, multiple locations Able Marine Energy Park Environmental Impact Assessment, Port of Harwich Biodiversity geospatial mapping Invasive species, Harwich Haven Habitat connectivity mapping Ecological mitigation and expert services, London Gateway Access Road European Protected Species Licence for bats Fish identifications and dissections Habitats Regulations Assessment for development framework A31 Magherafelt Bypass, Northern Ireland Ecology services, South Wales Valley Lines Electrification Scheme Ecology surveys, Triton Knoll Offshore Windfarm Ecology surveys, Great Western Route Modernisation Water vole and otter surveys, Great Western Route Modernisation Ecological reports for pontoon extensions Decommissioning project, Camelot Japanese knotweed remediation, Wellingborough Harwich Annual Monitoring Programme Reptile and water vole translocation, Wallasea Newt and reptile fencing on challenging terrain Ecology mitigation works, Exeter flood defence scheme Ecological mitigation works, Intercity Express Programme, Doncaster Japanese knotweed remediation, Kingston-upon-Thames Environmental Statement for wind farm Flood defence works, Whittlesey Washes Ecological mitigation works, Dudgeon off-shore wind farm cable route Badger mitigation works, Dudgeon cable route Vegetation clearance, Silvertown Docks, London Vegetation clearance, Congresbury Yeo Soft landscaping works, Gatwick Airport flood alleviation scheme Himalayan balsam, Exeter Flood Defence Scheme Phase II Hedge planting, flood defence works, Congresbury Yeo Habitat Assessment for ancient woodland Great crested newt mitigation works, Steart Peninsula Wetland creation, Crossness STW, London MG5 grassland, Birmingham Airport Water vole mitigation, Wallasea Island Baseline Marine Ecological Assessment Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessments Dredging consents Wetland restoration and biodiversity enhancement, Al Ha’ir Lakes, Saudi Arabia M4 relief road, ecology surveys Habitat creation for newts and reptiles, Thames Gateway Vegetation clearance works, mothballed rail, East West Rail Soft landscaping, Stoke Gifford, Great Western Rail Line Great crested newt mitigation, rail improvement project, Hampshire Great crested newt mitigation works, M1 Badger and otter fencing and soft landscaping, Aylesbury Habitat creation, Hackney Marshes, London Badger sett closure and artificial sett creation, Shoeburyness Invasive species control, Stratford Great crested newt mitigation and habitat creation works, Basildon Dormouse bridge construction Habitat mapping of the Knepp Wildland Project White-clawed crayfish survey, Leeds Fisheries management, Hampstead Heath Aquatic MacroInvertebrate Survey & Identification, Congresbury Yeo Waterfront development Logistics park development, Thames Estuary Landscape architecture, eco-homes development Environmental statement and bat surveys Biodiversity masterplanning Landscape architecture, commercial development Tree consultancy, St Albans Urban tree growth studies, Nationwide Tree constraints in development