The brief
DP World are developers of the London Gateway Port and Commercial Park. Now open, this is the most fully automated and efficient port in the world and will become the national hub for transport and logistics in the UK. It is a 410ha site and has a number of protected species. We were commissioned to work on many aspects of the development, one of the biggest ecology projects in Europe. The example here relates to the commercial park area.
What we did
We took the ecology work on this site from initial extended Phase 1 habitat survey, through to protected species surveys for a range of flora and fauna and full habitat creation for relocated species.
- Using the results of the survey work undertaken, we prepared ecology input for the site’s Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Statement.
- Detailed mitigation strategies were produced for all protected species on site and we successfully gained development licences where required.
- All work was conducted in line with best practice guidance and to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and Natural England.
- We designed and created new habitats on adjacent land for the large numbers of protected species that needed to be relocated from the development site.
- We successfully carried out the ecological contracting works for the habitat creation, installing over 60km of temporary fencing and pitfall traps, creating over 30 new ponds for great crested newts, ditches for water voles and hibernacula and log piles for reptiles.
Recommendations and outcomes
Strong project management skills and good liaison with DP World, Natural England and other involved parties ensured that the development on this huge site progressed, and successfully enhanced habitats for wildlife.
DP WorldLocation
Thames Estuary
Services offeredLondon Gateway is a five star £1.5bn investment creating a new port and logistics park. Thomson's first class project management skills and knowledge of all the legislation have assisted us with keeping the programme on target.Simon Moore, CEO London Gateway, DP World -
Our other projects
We cover all aspects of environmental consultation – from smaller surveys through to strategic projects.

At Thomson, we strive to deliver a pragmatic and innovative approach to environmental compliance.
Working in partnership with our clients, our team of environmental specialists ensures objectives are met, with maximum efficiency for our clients, and minimal impact on the natural world.