The brief
DP World’s London Gateway Port and Commercial Park development at Shell Haven on the Thames Estuary is set to be the most fully automated and efficient port in the world. It will become the national hub for transport and logistics in the UK.
The creation of a dual carriageway access road was required to service the London Gateway port and logistics park developments.
What we did
We provided all information and analysis for the Competent Authority to complete the Appropriate Assessment (part of a Habitat Regulations Assessment) of the impacts of the development on European designated sites adjacent to the development. A Special Protection Area and Ramsar site were located within 20 metres of the access road.
We produced the ecology chapter of the Environmental Statement, which was informed by a full suite of protected species surveys, in order to gain consent for the realigned access road.
We created bespoke mitigation packages, combining different species mitigation to maximise efficiency and manage costs, which were approved by the Statutory Authority.
We applied for numerous Protected Species Development Licences, for great crested newts (5 licences), badgers (2), water voles (3) and bats (1). Those for the water vole mitigation were the first licences of their kind granted in the UK.
We produced mitigation method statements for reptiles.
Once the development licences were in place, we carried out the mitigation for reptiles, badgers, water voles and great crested newts, ultimately implementing the largest multi-species translocations ever undertaken in the UK.
Working with our sister company, Thomson Habitats, we implemented large-scale contracting work, which included creating over 34 ponds, installing 60km of temporary and permanent ecological fencing, creating 30ha of wildlife habitat, and planting 12,000 native trees.
The outcome
The project proceeded to schedule with all licensing and mitigation work completed.
The £1.5 billion London Gateway Development opened in November 2013.
DP WorldLocation
Thames Estuary
Services offeredLondon Gateway is a five star £1.5bn investment creating a new port and logistics park. Thomson's first class project management skills and knowledge of all the legislation have assisted us with keeping the programme on target.Simon Moore, CEO London Gateway, DP World -
Our other projects
We cover all aspects of environmental consultation – from smaller surveys through to strategic projects.

At Thomson, we strive to deliver a pragmatic and innovative approach to environmental compliance.
Working in partnership with our clients, our team of environmental specialists ensures objectives are met, with maximum efficiency for our clients, and minimal impact on the natural world.