On large-scale projects, there are always tight deadlines. It is critical to start the project planning process before the brief wildlife survey seasons arrive, in order to avoid missing deadlines which can lead to costly knock-on delays further along in the project. Experienced project managers realise that they can get started on their ecology surveys at almost any time. Many surveys do not have seasonal restrictions.
Trees are best surveyed in winter. Potential bat roost and internal surveys for bats can be done all year round. Otter surveys and badger surveys can also be done all year round. Many other wildlife surveys can be undertaken throughout some of the winter months – including gnawed hazel nut surveys for dormice (Sept – Dec), initial habitat surveys for water voles (Nov) and, of course, wintering bird surveys.
By doing surveys in the winter, time can be saved as lead times are shorter, and, then other surveys could be done without delay at the start of the spring/summer season.
Our survey and mitigation calendars are a really helpful resource in explaining these constraints and helping to assist with works planning. You can access them here:
Survey calendar.