The stunning image of a red deer taken on a misty morning in Richmond Park, London, has won our annual photography competition.
The winning image entitled “Urban meets the suburbs” was taken by Liam Richardson from London. He wins the top prize of £200.

This is the eighth year that the competition has run and the theme this year was “mans impact on nature”. The images were judged by a panel at Thomson, including one of our previous winners, Bill Doherty.
Winner, William Richardson said:
“The picture shows a juxtaposition of the urban/suburban and how mankind is encroaching on natural space. It is my opinion that nature and the environment is a dwindling resource. Modern farming methods and pesticides have led to reductions in certain species numbers. Climate change too is definitely having an impact.”
“As a photographer recording the wildlife of the UK and London specifically I am starting to take more pictures of animals that were once rarities – for example Jersey tiger moths and Humming Bird moths which were rarely seen in the capital several years ago are now seen in large numbers.”
2013 winner, photographer and judge, Bill Doherty said:
“The impact of man on nature theme is well met here. Landseer`s monarch of the Glen becomes the monarch of the gloom. I found this image quite atmospheric, and the lack of colour and detail adds to the overall impact that this is meant to convey. This early morning greyness with its background of sad buildings, gives an impression of solemn sadness.”
“The head of the deer is turned towards this distant horizon, and while viewing the picture I can almost feel its thoughts of hills and mountains decorated with powdery lavender that go on “ad infinitum” and haunting cries of curlews fill the air, as opposed to car engines and the hustle and bustle of human life.”
The runner-up spot was taken by Colin Pelton from Salisbury Wiltshire, with his “Sparkling Vole” image.

Colin said:
“Here in Salisbury, with its water meadows still part of the city’s landscape, water voles are making a comeback. Short lived, these much-loved rodents rarely make it past their first birthday.”
Duncan Mizen, Marketing Content Specialist at Thomson environmental consultants, and one of the judges, said:
“To get up close and personal to photograph a wild animal is hard at the best of times, but to capture a photo like Colin has, particularly of an animal moving through water between its burrows, is fantastic. Colin’s clear knowledge and passion for nature and the environment is evident through his description of the subject matter.”
“This passion, dedication and patience shows through the capture of the shot, the water ripples, the sense of depth of the water. The only thing lacking here, despite the water voles vulnerable status, was the juxtaposition with man.”
You can view all of our previous winners photographs on our Flickr page.