Picture this: a development site, construction finished; the standard of construction is excellent; the site is clean, tidy and being used for its intended purpose. Job done?
No. As part of the development, the local planning authority has requested that mitigation measures are implemented to lessen the impact of development, or enhance new habitat to compensate for the loss of original habitats. How do we know whether these measures have been effective? This is done through post-development monitoring programmes.
Currently Thomson Ecology is monitoring great crested newt, bat and reptile populations for a number of projects. During this process we undertake a range of surveys to assess population numbers and/or distribution which will allow us to ascertain whether the mitigation measures were successful. Such information can also be used to tailor habitat management measures to maximise success. Post-development monitoring also has a place in developments not expected to cause significant environmental change, as it can provide evidence that this was indeed the case.
With ongoing projects working with water voles, dormice, seabed organisms and sediment size, great crested newt and bats, Thomson Ecology offers services for post-development monitoring for all species you are likely to have to deal with.