We offer a range of surveys and assessments in the freshwater environment including those required to support planning applications and achieve regulatory compliance under the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
Our team designs, evaluates and advises on sampling programmes and strategies, and carries out data collection programmes required to make sound and robust business decisions.
What we do
Our survey capability covers the full range of freshwater habitats including rivers, canals, ponds, lakes and reservoirs. We are experienced in standard survey methods for macroinvertebrates, fish, water plants (macrophytes) and diatoms.
In addition to standard kick sampling for macroinvertebrates we are experienced in boat-based methods such as air lift sampling and grabbing.
We offer full laboratory analysis of macroinvertebrate samples to both family and species level. Our team is experienced in all of the WFD assessment tools and methods including River Invertebrate Classification Tool (RICT) BMWP, ASPT and WHPT and LEAFPACS2 for macrophytes.
Water company monitoring programmes to support regulatory compliance under the WFD usually require simultaneous monitoring of physical as well as biological parameters. Our surveyors are trained and experienced in hydrometric monitoring methods for rivers, supported by our in-house hydrologists. We also collect water samples for laboratory analysis, providing clients with an interpretation of the results and management recommendations.
Our team includes Environment Agency accredited River Habitat Survey and Modular River (MoRPH) surveyors. We also have experience in other survey methods such as river corridor survey and PSYM for ponds and small lakes.
We undertake fish surveys and rescues in rivers and ponds using a range of standard methods, including electric fishing and seine netting. Surveys are undertaken to support stock assessments for angling clubs and local authorities, baseline studies for ecological impact assessment and longer term monitoring programmes.
We design and implement survey and monitoring programmes for legally protected species including water vole, otter and white-clawed crayfish.
Our surveys are undertaken using strict biosecurity protocols to minimise the risk of spreading invasive and non-native species (INNS).
To discuss your requirements or the various water services that we offer, please contact us today.